Kas oled vahel märganud, et sinu juhi-elu koosneb rohkem spetsialisti tööst kui inimeste juhtimisest? Või tunned mõnda kolleegi, kes on küll juhi ametinimetusega, aga jätkuvalt käitub spetsialistina?
Selline olukord on tegelikult väga tavaline. Statistika näitab, et koguni 95% tänastest juhtidest on kasvanud välja spetsialistidest. See tähendab, et paljud on lihtsalt “spetsialistilõksu” sattunud – ollakse küll juhi rollis, aga käitutakse...
Welcome to jobEstonia.com, Your premier source for finding exciting job opportunities in Estonia. Whether You are looking to start Your career or seeking new challenges, Estonia offer a dynamic and innovative job market for professionals from all over the world.
Why work in Estonia?
Thriving economy: Estonia boasts one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe, with a strong emphasis on technology and innovation.
Digital society:...
Remote and Hybrid Work: A New Era in Recruitment
The shift towards remote and hybrid work models is reshaping today's job market, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These flexible work arrangements are increasingly sought after by both businesses and employees. Companies now actively seek talents for remote and hybrid roles, utilizing various recruitment platforms.
Benefits of Remote and Hybrid Work
Remote work allows employees to...
Comprehensive Overview of Kandideeri.com Job Portal and Recruitment Platform
Introduction: Kandideeri.com is a highly acclaimed global job portal designed to simplify and optimize the job search and recruitment process worldwide. This platform is the perfect destination for both job seekers and employers seeking efficient solutions for "jobs" and "jobportal" searches.
Features for Job Seekers :
Refined Job Search:
Are You an Estonian Company or a Foreign Entity Looking for Employees in Estonia? Find Your Ideal Job or Perfect Candidate with the Estonian Jobportal Kandideeri
Whether you are an Estonian company seeking to hire new talents or a foreign entity looking for employees in Estonia, your search ends here! The Estonian Jobportal Kandideeri is the platform for seamless recruitment and job searching.
For Companies: