Kas ka sinu meeskonnas on olnud olukordi, kus töötajad tunnevad, et arenguvestlused on lihtsalt kohustuslik formaalsus, mis ei too kaasa tõelisi muutusi? Oled ehk märganud, kuidas aastased tulemuste hindamised keskenduvad rohkem mineviku eksimustele ja vähem sellele, kuidas koos edaspidi paremini edasi liikuda?
Kui palju loovad need “tulemusvestlused” tegelikult väärtust, kui keskendutakse vaid sellele, mida oleks võinud paremini teha?...
Welcome to jobEstonia.com, Your premier source for finding exciting job opportunities in Estonia. Whether You are looking to start Your career or seeking new challenges, Estonia offer a dynamic and innovative job market for professionals from all over the world.
Why work in Estonia?
Thriving economy: Estonia boasts one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe, with a strong emphasis on technology and innovation.
Digital society:...
Starting your job search can be an exciting yet challenging phase for young individuals entering the workforce. If you are just stepping into the job market, here are some essential tips to help you kickstart your career successfully:
Define Your Goals: Before diving into your job search, take the time to understand your career aspirations, interests, and values. Consider the skills you want to develop, the industries that pique your...