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05 Dec, 2024  
Director of Financial Crime Risk LHV Bank , a fully licensed UK bank, specialises in Banking Services for global fintechs and SME Lending solutions for UK businesses. The SME Lending division offers commercial real estate investment loans and trading loans from £0.5m to small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. As a leading Banking Services provider, LHV Bank delivers a wide range of services, including real-time multi-currency payments, accounts, acquiring, indirect scheme access, open banking, and FX solutions. Over 200 renowned fintech companies, such as Airwallex, Currencycloud, Truelayer, and Wise, utilise LHV Bank to serve more than 10 million end customers and access a pool of 500 million potential customers across the UK and Europe. LHV Bank gained its UK banking licence in May 2023 and launched into the retail savings market through deposit aggregators in August 2023. It is in the process of developing its direct to customer retail banking proposition for launch...
LHV Bank London, UK
05 Dec, 2024  
Ootused kandidaadile We are seeking a professional with impeccable personal culture and communication skills to join our team. Applications should preferably be submitted in English. The ideal candidate will: Communication: the ability to use the principles of correct communication, which enables effective establishing contacts with individual clients and co-workers. the ability to combine innate soft skills with the knowledge and skills acquired during education and professional career. Relationship building skills: the ability to build appropriate interpersonal relationships and apply the principles and techniques of effective communication in individual relationships with business partners. Ability to maintain good relationships with co-workers and clients, even despite disagreement of some opinions. Customer orientation: knowledge of customer service standards and care for high sales quality; the ability to create an atmosphere of professionalism and create a...
BMI Eesti oü Tallinn, Estonia
05 Dec, 2024  
Ootame Regionaalhaiglasse FÜSIOTERAPEUTI, kelle ülesanneteks on: füsioteraapia teenuse osutamine Mustamäe korpuses statsionaarsetele ja Sõle korpuses ambulatoorsetele patsientidele patsientide õpetamine ja nõustamine oma pädevuse piires oma töö dokumenteerimine
Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla SA (PERH) Tallinn, Estonia
05 Dec, 2024  
Breakwater Technology is a technology solutions company passionate about Customer tailored product development. From requirements definition and specification, software coding and development, to application support and maintenance; we can understand and assist with the entire product lifecycle. With a drive fuelled by curiosity, engagement, and an agile mindset, we strive to deliver the highest possible business output of every task and project. We are seeking an experienced HR and Employer Branding Specialist . In this hybrid role, you will combine your passion for human resources and project management with your creative flair for social media and employer branding. You’ll collaborate with ambassadors in the company to craft compelling stories, elevate our Employer Brand, and create initiatives that showcase Breakwater Technology as an employer of choice. As an HR and Employer Branding Specialist in BWT you will: Manage HRIS systems (Bamboo HR, 15Five, Lever etc) Support...
05 Dec, 2024  
Ülevaade Otsime ambitsioonikat ja tulemusele suunatud B2B müügipartnerit, kes liituks meie kliendi kiiresti areneva meeskonnaga. Ideaalne kandidaat on tugev suhtleja ja läbirääkija, kes oskab luua ja hoida tugevaid ärisuhteid ning kes on valmis töötama välja tõhusaid müügistrateegiaid. Peamised ülesanded Uute B2B klientide leidmine ja potentsiaalsete ärivõimaluste tuvastamine. Kliendisuhete arendamine ja hoidmine pikaajalisteks partnerluste loomiseks. Müügi eesmärkide seadmine ja tulemuslikkuse jälgimine. Turu-uuringute läbiviimine, et mõista konkurentsi ja turu vajadusi. Oma müügistrateegiate ja taktikate rakendamine vastavalt ettevõtte eesmärkidele. Koostöö teiste meeskondadega, et tagada sujuv teenindus ja kliendirahulolu. Nõudmised Kogemus B2B müügivaldkonnas, eelistatult vähemalt 3 aastat. Erakordne suhtlemisoskus ja läbirääkimisstrateegiate rakendamise oskus. Tugev analüütiline mõtlemine ja probleemilahendamise oskused. Enesekehtestamisvõime ja algatusvõime.... Verified Member Recruiter Tallinn, Estonia Lepinguline
05 Dec, 2024  
Töö kirjeldus Turunduskommunikatsioon, sh: TalTechi tudengite, vilistlaste ja teiste sihtgruppide teavitamine magistri- ja doktoriõppe vastuvõtust, akadeemilisest karjäärist ja töötamise võimalustest; ülikooli kui tööandja ning magistri- ja doktoriõppe veebilehekülgede täiendamine eesmärgiga muuta need selgemaks ja atraktiivsemaks; ülikooli LinkedIni kanali ümber profileerimine ja haldamine. Sõnumi- ja sisuloome, sh: videote, fotode ja muude visuaalsete lahenduste produktsioon akadeemilise karjääri tutvustamiseks koostöös videograafi, kujundajate ja teiste partneritega. Ürituste korraldamine, sh: magistri- ja doktoriõppe karjääriüritused, TalTechi esindamine karjäärimessil VÕTI Tulevikku ning muude akadeemilist karjääri tutvustavate projektide (nt töövarjutamine) läbiviimine. Turundusuuringute läbiviimise korraldamine, sh: esmakursuslaste küsitlus, fookusgruppide korraldamine koostöös tööandja brändingu partneriga; TalTechi töötajate rahulolu, atraktiivse tööandja ja muude...
Taltech Tallinn, Estonia
05 Dec, 2024  
Ära jäta seda võimalust kasutamata! Anna tööandjale teada, et oled huvitatud. Tööpakkumised avaldatakse tööpakkujate poolt. Neid ei tõlgita ega toimetata. Soovin kandideerida
Saku Õlletehase AS Saku, 75501 Harju County, Estonia
05 Dec, 2024  
Regulatory Reporting Analyst LHV Bank , a fully licensed UK bank, specialises in Banking Services for global fintechs and SME Lending solutions for UK businesses. The SME Lending division offers commercial real estate investment loans and trading loans from £0.5m to small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. As a leading Banking Services provider, LHV Bank delivers a wide range of services, including real-time multi-currency payments, accounts, acquiring, indirect scheme access, open banking, and FX solutions. Over 200 renowned fintech companies, such as Airwallex, Currencycloud, Truelayer, and Wise, utilise LHV Bank to serve more than 10 million end customers and access a pool of 500 million potential customers across the UK and Europe. LHV Bank gained its UK banking licence in May 2023 and launched into the retail savings market through deposit aggregators in August 2023. It is in the process of developing its direct to customer retail banking proposition for launch in...
LHV Bank London, UK
05 Dec, 2024  
Compliance Manager LHV Bank , a fully licensed UK bank, specialises in Banking Services for global fintechs and SME Lending solutions for UK businesses. The SME Lending division offers commercial real estate investment loans and trading loans from £0.5m to small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. As a leading Banking Services provider, LHV Bank delivers a wide range of services, including real-time multi-currency payments, accounts, acquiring, indirect scheme access, open banking, and FX solutions. Over 200 renowned fintech companies, such as Airwallex, Currencycloud, Truelayer, and Wise, utilise LHV Bank to serve more than 10 million end customers and access a pool of 500 million potential customers across the UK and Europe. LHV Bank gained its UK banking licence in May 2023 and launched into the retail savings market through deposit aggregators in August 2023. It is in the process of developing its direct to customer retail banking proposition for launch in 2024. More...
LHV Bank London, UK