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Phasegrowth OÜ

Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Ahtri tn 12, 10151

Phasegrowth is a dynamic company that supports business development for commerial space technology - also a new and interesting field.


Phasegrowth is a technology and consultancy provider that delivers an approach tailored fully to the specific demands of each client. We work alongside a company throughout all stages of their innovative growth. From the initial idea through the prototyping to the market penetration and harvesting the profits, we actively lead the process of securing the adequate finance (venture capital and grants) and collaborating partners across Europe and the world. 

Technology-wise, one of our core compentences is space: we engage in developing and demonstrating industrial applications for Earth Observation data, in fields such as maritime, logistics, and security.